
Tomeria Jordan

Tomeria Jordan has over 25 years of experience across various industries and sectors including but not limited to government, insurance, consulting, social assistance, non-profit, technology, and service. She has a master’s degree in Learning & Performance Technology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and a bachelor’s degree in International Business and Economics from Old Dominion University. In her current role as Academic Curriculum Manager, she manages a team responsible for the design, development, and delivery of training for city leaders, staff, and stakeholders across the US, Canada, and Latin America. Outside of work, Tomeria is the Managing Director and Founder of Confidence Centers of America LLC (CC: America LLC). She currently hosts and produces the "Confidence Restored" and "The Perspective View" podcasts under the CC: America brand. She is also the Creative Director and Founder of Confident Connotations LLC. 
